Lessons from Elijah, Week 3, Day 4 -The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth
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This series is lessons from Elijah. Learning through experience definitely makes an impression. We can all learn from hard knocks, but it’s a lot less painful to learn by example. First Corinthians 10:6 and 11 say that the experiences of those in the Bible were recorded for our examples. Elijah’s story is full of great examples, both good and bad.
00:06 Andrew continues his series on Lessons from Elijah.
01:05 Elijah said, ‘let’s just have a test, and see who the real God is. If Baal is God, then serve him. But, if God is God, then serve God.’ (1 Kings 18:24) That’s a great attitude. We need to have this same attitude, and tell people to get off the fence. Go one way or the other. It’d be better for us to be either hot or cold. (Revelation 3:15-16)
03:09 You need to prepare your heart, and make yourself a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). When you do that, the fire of God will fall and consume you.
05:23 Nothing’s too hard for God. There’s some of you dealing with financial things, and you’re thinking maybe it’s too big for God. Nothing is too big for God. You can’t outdo God. You can’t believe bigger than God.
07:30 You need to make sure that what you’re doing is what God wants you to do. In the early days, in my walk with the Lord, I used to beg Him to bless what I was doing. I spent so much time begging God. As I matured, I just got to a place where I’d only do what God would tell me to do, and I don’t ever ask God to bless it, because I know I’m doing what God asked me to do.
08:13 It’d be unjust for God to ask me to do something, and then ask me to do it in my own strength and power. When God says, “..Come..” (Matthew 14:29), there is enough power and anointing in that one word, to overcome all the forces of nature, and walk on top of water.
10:30 A true minister of God is not going to try to draw people to himself, but they will draw people to God. Like Elijah, a true minister of God, will proclaim God’s greatness. (1 Kings 18:37)
12:15 I believe we could be revived, and God could revive us again. Look what happened when this fire of God fell and consumed this sacrifice. (1 Kings 18:38-39) “And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The Lord, he is the God; the Lord, hi is the God.” This is revival.
13:05 God confirms His word, with signs and wonders (Mark 16:20, and we have to stand up and proclaim it, and then the fire of God would fall, and we’d see a revival.
14:56 There was a minimum of 450, and possibly 850 people of Baal, that Elijah slayed. (1 Kings 18:40) In the Old Testament, people could not be born-again, so they couldn’t be delivered of demons. It’s similar to how we deal with cancer today. Doctors will remove certain parts of your body to get rid of cancer, and keep it from spreading. Before there was a cure for sin, that came through the Lord Jesus bearing our sins, God had to deal with these Old Testament issues as if it were an infection, or plague that was going to kill the human race if He didn’t do it.
17:16 Even though we don’t kill, like Elijah did in (1 Kings 18:40), we still need to not intolerable the ungodliness, and the false representation of God. We need to stand against it, and present God as He truly is.
18:36 A lot of Christians will fight sickness, poverty, depression, to the point that they chase the enemy over the hill. They aren’t in immediate danger anymore, and so they let up. They don’t pursue, until they totally destroy their enemy. By not destroying their enemy, they allow him to come back and fight them again. You need to get to where you hate sickness so much, that you’re not just going to resist it, but you fight it until you drive it out of your life, and it doesn’t have any place on the inside of you.
20:27 We need to take an aggressive stand against the lies, and deception that Satan is putting forth in our society today. We need to get angry at sickness, disease, and poverty. God gave us the capacity for anger, and it wasn’t meant to be used against people, it was meant to be used against the devil, sickness, poverty, and depression. All of us have the capacity to get angry, and the sad fact is that we use it against people, but we ought to use it against spiritual things.
22:50 The godly who have a word from God are afraid to speak it. We need to stand up and speak the truth in love & links to next video.
Andrew Wommack Ministries