Lessons From Elijah: Week 4, Day 1 - Gospel Truth TV
Learn more and order the package here: https://l.awmi.net/Elijah1
Did you know that before Adam and Eve were even created, God provided all the food, air, and supplies they could ever possibly need? This is also true for us today. God doesn’t respond to our needs. He anticipates and creates the supply first, and we respond to Him in faith. Faith is our positive response to what He has already done. Elijah is a great example of a person who enjoyed supernatural provision because he responded positively to God’s direction.
In Andrew’s Lessons from Elijah teaching, airing March 2–27, 2020, learn how you, too, can experience God’s supernatural provision—not only of finances, but also of peace, joy, blessing, anointing, influence, power, and authority—that you cannot duplicate with all your human effort. You’ll learn that God is meeting all of your needs, but He’s sending His supply to where He told you to be. Faith and obedience are key to receiving the provision. This teaching will make these and many other profound truths real to you.
First Corinthians 10:6 and 11 tell us that the experiences of those in the Bible were recorded for our example. Learn from them when you get the Lessons from Elijah Package. This Package is a must-have for every believer’s library.
We can all learn from the “school of hard knocks,” but it's a lot less painful to learn by example. Order the Package or teaching today at https://l.awmi.net/Elijah1 or by calling 719-635-1111.
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00:31 Welcome to our Monday's broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
03:37 Now let me just point out that if God lets you retake the test, it's because you failed the first time. You shouldn't be giving the exact same answer.
08:54 Boy, there's a lot of things we can learn from this and we can learn that you don't have to be perfect for God to use you, and that even when you mess up and when you fail big time, you can recover, that the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance, Romans, chapter 11, verse 29.
13:00 I’m telling you, anytime you get to thinking that you're the only one, you've got this Elijah syndrome going in your life, and it's always wrong.
19:31 I tell you, what I'm saying here is powerful and I don't know any way for you to stay encouraged other than to just have a personal relationship with God, keep your nose in the bible and read it, because you will find things where situations were a thousand times worse than they are in our world today, and yet, God turned it around and it will keep you encouraged.