Observing All Things: Week 3, Day 4 - Gospel Truth TV
Learn more and order the package here: https://l.awmi.net/observing
There’s more to being a disciple than having faith in Jesus. That might sound hard to believe, but that’s exactly what Jesus said. A disciple is a person who observes all things that Jesus has commanded (Matt. 28:19–20). However, most Christians don’t let the Bible get in the way of what they believe. They compartmentalize their faith so that their Bible beliefs have only a little influence over other areas of their life. If your attitude, doctrine, or worldview doesn’t line up with the Word of God, that needs to change, not the Bible.
Andrew’s Observing All Things teaching, airing April 27–May 15, 2020, is a rerun of his timeless teaching that includes interviews with creationists Dr. Carl Baugh and Dr. Grady McMurtry. As Andrew explores a biblical perspective on controversial topics like economics, abortion, homosexuality, and creationism versus evolution, you’ll be equipped to know and stand up for the truth.
Learn how to be a true disciple, instead of just a convert, when you get the Observing All Things CD or DVD series. You’ll also get the Observing All Things booklet—containing commentary as well as statistics and graphs on homosexuality, abortion, and evolution—free!
Observing All Things individual products:
• Observing All Things CD series—$35
• Observing All Things DVD series—$35
• Observing All Things booklet—FREE!
It’s not enough just to get saved so that you won’t go to hell. You must continue in Jesus’s words to be His disciple. Order today!
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#HolySpirit, #Jesus, #ObservingAllThings, #AWMI, #AndrewWommack
00:30 Welcome to our Thursday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
03:31 We had a flood right here in Colorado and in one hour it made like a 20 or 30 foot gully through granite.
10:14 Once the mudflow cut the canyon very rapidly, with straight sidewalls and then stop because it was a very rapid event that it stops, then there was a place for the water to go through.
13:26 In verse 9, He promises He'll never again flood the entire earth with water.
17:05 And I mean there was rock, granite rock, and in one hour's time or so this flood came through and cut a hole that was 20 feet or more deep.
20:58 But you're 88% the same as a rat and 60% the same as a banana and 70% the same as a sea sponge, 88% the same as a sea squirt.