Lessons from Elijah, Week 4, Day 4 -The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth
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This series is lessons from Elijah. Learning through experience definitely makes an impression. We can all learn from hard knocks, but it’s a lot less painful to learn by example. First Corinthians 10:6 and 11 say that the experiences of those in the Bible were recorded for our examples. Elijah’s story is full of great examples, both good and bad.
00:06 Andrew continues his series on Lessons from Elijah.
01:28 Elijah had never been better than his fathers. (1 Kings 19:4) God didn’t use him because he was holy and deserved it. He used Elijah because of the goodness and grace of God. It is never us that does these things. It is God flowing through us. And, when Elijah got lifted up in pride, he fell.
03:24 (1 Peter 5:5) “…God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.” If Elijah would’ve humbled himself, I believe God’s grace would’ve come unto him, and things would’ve turned out differently.
04:20 Many times we get depressed, and feel like nothing ever works out for us. You know it’s not true, but this is how you feel, and you just start to speak out of your feelings. The moment we exalt our own feelings above the word of God, that’s when we get in trouble. (1 Kings 18:13) “..and I, even I only, am left;..” Elijah stated that he was the only prophet left, but this simply was not true.
05:53 We all fail at times, and make mistakes. Everyone of us does something wrong. That’s part of being a person who has sinned, and living in a fallen world. It’s how we respond to our mistakes that determines whether we become bitter, or better. When we make mistakes, we need to humble ourselves before the Lord and take responsibility.
08:40 (1 Kings 19:9) God asked Elijah, ‘what are you doing here, Elijah?’ If Elijah had just admitted to God that he fell into fear, gave into intimidation, and ran, then asked for God’s forgiveness, things would’ve been different.
09:30 (1 Kings 19:11, 12) Elijah had seen many amazing things happen, through God, yet it was the simple word of the Lord that started the whole thing with Elijah.
10:25 Elijah heard from God in a still small voice, when God used him to stand up to King Ahab. It was the simple leading of God, that changed Elijah’s life. But, when he saw all the miraculous things happen, he had gotten away from simply listening to the still small voice of the Lord.
12:36 I’ve seen people raised from the dead, blind eyes opened, and deaf ears opened. I’ve seen some awesome things, and I praise God for that. But, just having God speak to me, in an inner voice, and having Him reveal His word to me, and speak to my heart, those are the times when the Lord just overwhelms me.
14:00 God is a master of understating. If He was to really portray all of His glory, it would just overwhelm us. We could not handle it. (Exodus 33:20) “…no man see me, and live.” Our physical bodies could not handle how majestic and awesome He is.
15:46 When you are in the presence of the Lord, you’re relative unworthiness is just screaming at you, and you know that if you got what you deserved, you’d be a pile of ashes.
18:20 The first time Elijah failed God, and ran in fear and unbelief, God didn’t throw him aside. God showed his graciousness, by supernaturally feeding Elijah, and leading him to the mountain of God, and giving him an opportunity to repent. He gave Elijah a retake, and another chance in 1 Kings 19:11-14. Elijah said the same wrong thing the second time God asked, that he said the first time.
19:59 I believe that God is speaking to someone right now, that you need to get back on track, and get back into the ministry. It doesn’t matter how badly you’ve blown it. God can still use you. You may have to do some things differently. You may have to deal with the consequences of what you’ve done, or haven’t done. But, you need to do what God told you to do.
22:15 When God commanded Elijah to do three things, the only thing he did was anoint his replacement & links to next video.
Andrew Wommack Ministries