God With Us - Week 1, Day 2 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: http://www.awmi.net/youtube-subscribe/ Andrew and Jamie interview Robert and Elizabeth Muren about their production, “God With Us.” God With Us is a musical that tells the story of a passionate God in relentless pursuit of His people.
00:21 Welcome to our Tuesday's broadcast of the Gospel Truth. Today we've got our very good friends, Robert and Elizabeth Muren, here with us and I've got my wife, Jamie.
00:38 We now have a Creative Arts department in our Bible College and Robert and Elizabeth run this.
2:27 It's so important that we reach out and it's not enough that we sit in churches waiting for the world to come in when Jesus said go out. I want to give the Word of God to those who don't want to have it.
4:19 I think some people watching this may think, “Well this is just a Christian production”. First of all, they don't give much credit to Christian music because it's usually not very good… but, this is more than entertainment. It is ministry; it touches people in a profound way.
7:42 ♪ music ♪ “O holy night! The stars are brightly shining, it is the night of our dear Savior's birth”.
14:52 When you say a “Christian musical”, you don't expect a lot out of it. It's not usually very good quality, but this is awesome.
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