Truth & Liberty - Week 1, Day 2 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: Believers throughout the world must be the influencers of our culture. When we become complacent and disengaged, when we neglect to vote or even to be informed, we let the world dictate our nation's future. Andrew and his guests Lance Wallnau, author of God's Chaos Candidate, and David Barton, founder of WallBuilders, explore the direction America is taking and how it affects the entire world. They share truths that you won't hear in the mainstream media and stress the importance of believers getting involved, socially and politically, to better ourselves and our nation.
1:24 Today, Andrew continues to present what is at stake for you in the battle for America with special guests David Barton and Lance Wallnau.
4:00 As long as the republicans are the ones that represent the Biblical views the most, well then, I will promote that.
8:20 The reality is that we created a duality, unfortunately, between the spiritual life and the natural life. …and what Christians forget is, you have authority to bring that other world into this world.
11:58 In Genesis 2:15 it says that God looked, and He had no one to tend His garden, so He made man. He made man to take care of His stuff, and His stuff is entertainment, it is arts, it is business, it is government. God's the one who created the government, not man.
14:46 In the Roman empire it ended up that the Christians became the judges, Christian leaders, because you couldn't corrupt them. See, that's how you got good court systems was God's people being involved in it.
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