God With Us - Week 1, Day 5 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: http://www.awmi.net/youtube-subscribe/ Andrew and Jamie interview Robert and Elizabeth Muren about their production, “God With Us.” God With Us is a musical that tells the story of a passionate God in relentless pursuit of His people.
00:21 Welcome to our Friday's broadcast of the Gospel Truth and this is the end of my first week interviewing Robert and Elizabeth Muren and my wife, Jamie.
2:10 After the show, this woman came behind stage and just... held onto me and cried and she couldn't speak, so her husband had to explain... 2:28
6:15 ♪ “No matter how impossible it seems, I know we're gonna get the victory, for God is with us”.♪
8:20 ♪ music ♪ “What is it, Naomi? You're so quiet. Naomi needs to rest. Naomi. I think it's time to say ‘goodbye’”.
18:30 Why do people do these Biblical movies and change the story when the Word is just so powerful itself? Why don't they just let the Bible speak for itself?
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