God With Us - Week 1, Day 4 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: http://www.awmi.net/youtube-subscribe/ Andrew and Jamie interview Robert and Elizabeth Muren about their production, “God With Us.” God With Us is a musical that tells the story of a passionate God in relentless pursuit of His people.
00:21 Welcome to our Thursday's broadcast of the Gospel Truth. Today I'm continuing to interview Robert and Elizabeth Muren.
5:44 We have people that just come in to see this. So, seeing it live is an amazing experience.
6:41 ♪ music ♪ [birds chirping] “I just want to see Him one more time. I just want to hear His voice one more time. For when He speaks I have no fear…”
20:49 We made a story where it's Peter in Rome telling the stories from the Word of God, encouraging the Christians that are about to die in the arena.
21:19 He uses the Word of God and the stories to encourage them and that's exactly what we need today.
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