God With Us - Week 2, Day 4 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: http://www.awmi.net/youtube-subscribe/ Andrew and Jamie interview Robert and Elizabeth Muren about their production, “God With Us.” God With Us is a musical that tells the story of a passionate God in relentless pursuit of His people.
00:21 Welcome to our Thursday's broadcast of the Gospel Truth.
4:51 We're going to show you this little clip and we'll come back at the end of the program.
8:09 ♪ “Father in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven…”
10:08 ♪ “If you knew my Lord, you would understand that His heart goes to the outcast, to the lost ones of Israel. If you heard His voice, calling out your name, if you saw yourselves through His loving eyes, you would never be the same...”
20:41 This DVD is a life-changer.
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