The Power of Imagination - Week 4, Day 4 - The Gospel Truth
You can order “The Power of Imagination” here:
What you imagine may be more important than you realize. Ultimately, what you imagine
determines what you believe, and how you believe determines how you receive. Having a
positive imagination is what the Bible calls hope! And hope is what faith is based upon.
This power-packed series is filled with insightful truths that Andrew has touched on for years but
has never quite put together in a teaching like this one. You’ll find out how it’s not a matter of
doing more or doing something better; it’s a matter of understanding the way God designed you
to think, believe, and receive. You’ve probably heard Andrew quote often, “As a man thinketh in
his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). Now let him show you how to think properly so that you can be
all God created you to be: it will change the way that you see yourself, your
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00:25 Welcome to our Thursday's broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
03:05 Now in a sense, that seems contradictory because, you know, I've been talking so much about you can't just look at what's right in front of you and be controlled and dominated and limited only to what you can see with your physical eyes.
10:07 There's people watching this program right now that you are disappointed and it's because you are looking to your mate to fulfill some things in your life that only God was intended to fulfill.
13:11 It's only as I walk in the spirit that I'm going to experience victory.
17:01 You might've been good relative to somebody else, but it says, in 2 Corinthians, chapter 10, verse 12, they that are comparing themselves among themselves and measuring themselves by themselves are not wise.
20:50 And you think that somehow or another in your flesh, in your mind, you are just superior to everybody else, you are going to see mistakes. You will fail and your... All of your trust and confidence will come crashing to the ground.