Excellence: Week 2, Day 4 - Gospel Truth TV
You can learn more and order the package here: https://l.awmi.net/excellence2
Many people point to education, talent, relationships, or privilege as the secret to their success. Though these can play a role, they are not what produces promotion. Rather, promotion comes from God (Ps. 75:6-7). While God desires to promote you as His child, you determine whether you’re promoted.
You must choose to have an excellent spirit. Break out of the status quo and into God-ordained promotion with Andrew’s teaching, Excellence: How to Pursue an Excellent Spirit teaching!
Discover what it means to have an excellent spirit and find out how you can avoid a life of mediocrity. Learn about the key characteristics of excellence and how to develop them. Once you’re walking in the truths these teachings share, it’s only a matter of time before you step right into promotion!
Improve your relationships, make excellent choices, and receive your God-ordained promotion with this ground-breaking teaching. You can order Excellence in the newly updated As-Seen-on-TV DVD album or CD album. We are also offering Andrew’s original Excellence book, available in English or Spanish, and his original Live DVD album.
Excellence: How to Pursue an Excellent Spirit individual products:
- Excellence CD album ($30)
- Excellence As-Seen-on-TV DVD album ($30)
- Excellence Live DVD album ($30)
- Excellence Book in English ($15)
- Excellence Book in Spanish ($15)
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- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AWMinistries
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Learn about Charis Bible College at https://CharisBibleCollege.org
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#AndrewWommack, #HolySpirit, #Jesus, #Excellence
02:40 Welcome to our Thursday's broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
05:43 You need to know who you are; who's you are. You need to have a relationship with Him, and you need to refuse to compromise that relationship for anything, even if it threatens your own life, if it threatens your job, if it threatens your family.
11:15 When you have a relationship, an intimate working relationship with God, it makes you bold.
17:18 If you would humble yourself and if you would begin to seek God and do what was righteous, you would prolong your prosperity.
22:54 We've got a covenant that God will never leave us nor forsake us.