Hardness of Heart: Week 2, Day 5 - Gospel Truth TV
Learn more and order the package here: https://l.awmi.net/hardnessofheart-1
Do you remember how you felt the last time you witnessed a miracle? Probably awestruck by the experience of seeing the supernatural power of God. But did you know that being shocked, amazed, or surprised at a miracle is an indication that you have a hardened heart? In Mark 6:51–52, we see that when the disciples were amazed at seeing Jesus walk on water, the scriptures say that it was because “their heart was hardened.”
Andrew’s Hardness of Heart teaching, airing March 30–April 24, 2020, will show you that, contrary to what most people think, everyone has a degree of hardness toward God in their heart. This is why many Christians are in unbelief, feel they can’t hear God, or can’t perceive spiritual truths. And as Andrew establishes the characteristics of a hardened heart, you’ll see the danger in it (the crisis), understand why it happens (the cause), and realize that it doesn’t have to stay that way (the cure).
There are reasons that some Christians walk in the miraculous while others don’t. The Hardness of Heart Package will help you be one of the ones who do. It contains Andrew’s Hardness of Heart and How to Become a Water Walker teachings in book and CD or As-Seen-on-TV DVD format. This package is a must-have for victorious Christian living!
Discover how to have a heart that is more sensitive toward God and expect to see the miraculous become a part of your everyday life. Order this classic teaching at https://l.awmi.net/hardnessofheart-1 or by calling 719-635-1111 today.
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01:48 Welcome to our Friday's broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
04:23 So the point I've been making, is that anything that grabs our attention and dominates us can harden our hearts towards God.
08:02 I believe that Jesus has healed all of our sicknesses.
11:47 I use God as a first resort. I have walked in healing now for nearly 50 years and I don't get sick.
19:46 You have to get to where you don't consider things that are contrary to what God says.