You've Already Got It! - Week 4, Day 2 - The Gospel Truth
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Most Christians believe that God can do anything, and many believe that He has made promises to heal, deliver, bless, and prosper His children. But some of these same believers find themselves unable to reconcile the Word with what they experience. They live in frustration or disillusionment, wondering why God’s promises don’t seem to be working for them. But God is no respecter of persons (Rom. 2:11). What He has done for one, He’s done for all.
With Andrew’s You've Already Got It! teaching, you’ll learn how to go from frustration to fulfillment in your relationship with God and His promises. The truth is, you’re not waiting on God to bless you. He has already done it!
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00:30 Welcome to our Tuesday's broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
03:36 When you got born again, you got everything in you that you will ever need or ever could need. It's a matter of releasing, not getting something more from God.
10:01 God has to flow through your faith. God uses your faith.
13:08 There are different levels of influence, and this was a demon that was operating over the entire dominion of Persia and this demonic power was fighting against the messenger that was sent from God.
17:03 There are physical things, and gluttony and overeating and being overweight is a sin. God's not mad at you, God's not going to fail to answer your prayer because you are overweight.
20:10 It's not that God is saying, well, until you work, I'm not going to answer your prayer. No, God deals with us by grace.