Spirit Soul And Body - Week 4, Day 4 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth
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This teaching identifies the three major parts of our being: spirit, soul, and body, and gives the relationship between each. At salvation, our bodies and souls are not saved. Their salvation has been purchased but they aren't redeemed yet. Our spirits are the only parts of us that was completely changed at salvation. The rest of the Christian life is a process of renewing our minds and then manifesting in our bodies the change that is already complete in our spirits.
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00:33 Welcome to our Thursday's broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
02:57 And if you're experiencing death in any one of those areas, it's because you've been carnally minded, and the word carnal here doesn't mean sinful minded, it means “of your five senses”.
09:57 He didn't come before people and start bragging and say, hey, I was raised at the feet of Gamaliel, and I was a Pharisee of the Pharisees.
13:03 The moment you quit, if you quit running, boy, you're just going to flip around inside that thing and you feel like that, that man, you've done all of these things to get you to this place, but you can't take a break, you can't rest, it's all you.
17:02 But the Lord was showing me these things and I began to start finding my identity and my confidence in the lord and not in my accomplishments.
21:20 I mean, God's done some great things. But you know what? This is not my identity.