One At A Time | Episode 6 | The Power of 'And'
In Luke 7—we read about Jesus meeting a woman whose son had died. She was already a widow, and now she was on her way to bury her only son. Luke 7 says, "When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her, and he said, 'Don't cry'" Notice the order of what happens. First, Jesus saw her. Second, his heart went out to her. There was a connection between what he saw with his eyes and what he felt with his heart. He allowed his heart to engage with what he saw. Notice the one at a time pattern – Jesus sees. Jesus Feels. Jesus Acts. The test of compassion is action. Often times we see and we feel, but we don't act. We use the wrong conjunction. Instead of our stories being "I had compassion and" our story are often "I had compassion But…." Jesus had no earthly connection to this widow or her son. But he felt compassion, and when Jesus felt compassion, there was always an AND. The test of compassion isn't the feelings you have but the one at a time stories you can tell…Living a One a Time life of impact and influence means that you always look for an AND.
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