One At A Time | Episode 2 | In Then Through
In a world where we want to have an immediate impact – where we want to change the world with a post – Jesus calls us to do the hard work of planting the Gospel in our hearts. We want God to do great things through us – but He almost always wants to do something in you first. Maybe the best way to be a person of impact is not to say, God, what do you want to do through me? But to say God, what do you want to do in me? In the Gospel of Mark, we read that “the whole town gathered at the door” where Jesus was staying. Everyone needed Him to do something for them. The demands of the people around Him were loud, and that noise could have easily determined how he would spend his day. But because Jesus has spent time alone with God, he stays reminded why He has come. He gets refocused on His purpose. He knows what God wants to do through Him because He starts the day by giving attention to God’s work in Him.
#southeastchristianchurch #kyleidleman #oneatatime