One At A Time | Episode 3 | Proximity Principle
One of the words that best capture the love of Jesus is the word proximity. The way Jesus loved required proximity. Mark chapter 5 is an example of this, earlier Jesus had been teaching, and a large crowd had gathered around Him. He had spent the day teaching, but when evening came, He told his disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” What’s surprising about this is that the other side was typically a place good Jews would avoid. And only one thing happens on the other side before they turn around and go back- they meet a guy whose life was a wreck; he was locked up in a cemetery away from town. People did everything they could to avoid him, but Jesus seemed to go out of his way to see him. Jesus spent some time with this man, and this man’s life was completely changed- he met Jesus and was healed and whole. It’s hard to love someone if you’re determined to keep your distance. If you want to live a life of impact, it requires proximity.
#southeastchristianchurch #kyleidleman #oneatatime