Why Didn’t God Stop It? | Steven Furtick
“Why didn’t God stop it?” At one time or another, we’ve all wondered it.
In this message from Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church, we’re reminded that, while we don't get to choose every situation, we do choose the story we tell ourselves.
What if we see faith instead of fear? Preparation instead of pain? Hope instead of hardship? It’s time to flip the script.
This is an excerpt from "There's A Hole In Your Story," to watch the full message, click here: https://youtu.be/m-eabvA4NLg
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Website: http://www.stevenfurtick.com
Steven Furtick Facebook: http://ele.vc/5Fb3qR
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Steven Furtick Twitter: http://ele.vc/Uu9DZp
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Section Titles:
0:00 - You Choose What You Tell Yourself
1:32 - You’ve Suffered Enough
3:44 - Is This The Most Difficult Season of Your Life?
4:44 - When You Lose Everything
7:44 - Tell The Devil, "THIS IS NOT YOUR STORY"
8:55 - The Danger of Short Stories
11:36 - Don’t Let Doubt Cut You Off
12:42 - Don’t Stop At The Comma (Acts 10, verses 39-40)
Why Didn’t God Stop It? | Steven Furtick