Stop Talking To Yourself Like That | Steven Furtick
What do you do when you are your own worst enemy?
In “Stop Talking To Yourself Like That,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church pulls back the curtain in our minds to reveal how negative our self talk has become – and how we can get back to seeing ourselves as God sees us.
This is an excerpt from “Use Your Inside Voice,” to watch the full message, click here:
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Section Titles:
0:00 - What Are You Steered By? (1 John 4, verse 4)
1:33 - Why Don't You Talk Like Where You Come From?
4:30 - Stop Talking To Yourself Like That
6:25 - Pay Attention To The Voices You Listen To (1 John 4, verse 5)
8:42 - You Are From God (1 John 4, verse 6)
10:50 - Do You Really Trust God's Authority? (Mark 3, verse 28)
12:44 - Start With Amen Today
Stop Talking To Yourself Like That | Steven Furtick