When God Says Stop | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church
Many of us can relate to the parent who finally gets to the end of their patience and yells, “STOP!”. Maybe you are that parent, or maybe you’ve just seen this unfold awkwardly in a restaurant. Either way, we can all relate to what it feels like for people and circumstances to drive us to the edge.
Many of us feel this tension currently because the world is a mess right now. In this message, Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC is teaching us how we need to respond when God says stop.
In Joshua 3 verse 1, God is bringing His people into the land He promised them but before He leads them in, he calls them to stop. In order for him to bring them into something new He needs to stop something normal. When God does that in our lives, like in this season of shutdown, it can feel like He has lost his patience with us. In truth, however, when God says stop He always has our good in mind.
We know from Romans 8 verse 28 that God can work all things together for the good of those who love Him. It’s not so important where God takes us as what He shows us along the way.
We pray that this message will speak to you, like it has for many already, and help you hear God’s voice in your life. So get in position! If He has told you to stop in this season it’s because his heart for you isn’t just to get you through it, it’s to show you something in it to make you better on the other side.
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Español - https://youtu.be/LkyGhv4l19w
Português - https://youtu.be/EQ6Go7_KlhY
на русском - https://youtu.be/24Ct5EdFQdI
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See what God can do through you. This is the vision of Elevation
Church, led by Pastor Steven Furtick and based in Charlotte, NC
with multiple locations throughout the US and Canada.
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Section Titles:
0:00 - Let’s Make A Connection
5:48 - You Are Positioned For A Miracle
10:38 - God Works All Things Together For The Good
13:37 - When God Says Stop
17:49 - You’re Not The Only One
20:24 - Same Storm, Different Experience
22:59 - Don’t Miss Your Miracle
25:00 - Learn From Your Struggles
26:47 - You’re Not Stuck, You Stopped
29:49 - Stop Living By Feelings & Start Living By Faith
31:43 - Worry Is Wasted Strength
35:21 - God Is Already In Your Tomorrow
39:18 - Everything Stops In God’s Presence
44:33 - Testimonies Require A Test
47:20 - When God Feels Distant
53:12 - Focus On Today
58:52 - Problems Bring Opportunities
1:04:28 - A Prayer To Combat Fear & Worry
Scripture References:
Joshua 3, verses 1-5
Joshua 3, verses 15-17
#elevationchurch #stevenfurtick #whengodsaysstop