Why Comparison Is Dangerous | Steven Furtick
How do you measure success? The world has its own idea of what success should look like, but if you compare yourself to it, you’ll come up short every time.
By looking at an example in 1 Samuel 16, Pastor Steven Furtick shares how Samuel tried to choose a king using the world’s standards. However, Verse 7 told him, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Through this teaching, we will learn to measure ourselves God’s way and see what He put in each one of us.
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Section Titles:
0:00 - The Danger of a Measuring Stick (1 Samuel 16, verse 7)
3:48 - God, What’s Really In Me?
6:40 - Don’t Sacrifice Your Purpose For Popularity
8:17 - Stop Talking Yourself Out of It (Romans 12, verse 3)
10:07 - How Do You Measure Opportunity?
13:27 - Quick Dating Seminar
15:00 - The Weight of Comparison (Proverbs 11, verse 1)
17:29 - Your Words Matter
20:12 - God’s Grace Weighs More (2 Corinthians 4 verse 17)
Why Comparison Is Dangerous | Steven Furtick