Why Am I So Tired? | Steven Furtick
What do you do when you’re tired but no amount of sleep seems to help? What do you do when you’re tired on the inside?
In “Why Am I So Tired?” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church shows us that the root of our exhaustion may not be what we thought — and that the solution is simpler than we expected.
This is an excerpt from “Tired On The Inside.” To watch the full message, click here: https://youtu.be/CZk90baM79o
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Website: http://www.stevenfurtick.com
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Section Titles:
0:00 - I'm Tired Inside
2:24 - Don't Let Others Control Your Priorities (John 4, verses 1-3)
5:37 - Savage Jesus (John 4, verse 4)
7:37 - What Areas Are You Trying To Avoid?
10:00 - You Don't Know Tired Yet
11:37 - The Path of Your Purpose
12:53 - Do You Really Know Who Jesus Is? (John 4, verses 5-8)
Why Am I So Tired? | Steven Furtick