I Didn't Ask For This | Steven Furtick
“I didn’t ask for this!” Have you told God that lately?
In this clip from Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church, he shares that in situations you did not expect or ask for, you have to learn to bring your disappointments before the only One who can really do something about it.
This is an excerpt from “Just The 2 of Us.” To watch the full message, click here: https://youtu.be/vA1ek-6he6Y
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Website: http://www.stevenfurtick.com
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Section Titles:
0:00 - Don't Stay Stuck In Bitterness
2:14 - I Didn't Ask For This
4:00 - What Will You Do With Your Disappointment? (2 Kings 4, verse 13)
5:40 - Have You Lost Your Hope?
7:47 - You Don't Belong In This Low Place (2 Kings 4, verse 16)
9:06 - Burying Your Disappointment Isn't A Sustainable Strategy
11:18 - It Hurts To Hope (2 Kings 4, verses 17-20)
12:58 - Stop Expecting That Out of People (2 Kings 4, verses 21-22)
I Didn't Ask For This | Steven Furtick