Show Your Scars, Not Your Wounds | Steven Furtick
Scars are proof that you’re healing.
In “Show Your Scars, Not Your Wounds,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church reveals the strength found in our scars and the power forgiveness plays in our lives.
This is an excerpt from “NO MORE NAILS.” To watch the full message, click here:
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Section Titles:
0:00 - Don't Walk Around Wounded
2:11 - Forgiveness Doesn't Mean It Didn't Happen
4:16 - The Devil Doesn't Have Any More Nails
6:09 - How Do I Forgive This?
7:57 - Are You Willing To Give Grace?
9:55 - This Is What Forgiveness Is
11:21 - God Works Through Your Scars
13:08 - It Hurts, But It Doesn't Have To Hold You
Show Your Scars, Not Your Wounds | Steven Furtick