Unbelief Will Block Your Breakthrough | Steven Furtick
It takes faith to follow through.
In “Unbelief Will Block Your Breakthrough,” we learn the importance of believing beyond our comfort zone.
This is an excerpt from “Embracing Limitation: Gates of Change.” To watch the full message from @Elevation Church, click here: https://youtu.be/YEiuE3DXjtY
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Website: http://www.stevenfurtick.com
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Section Titles:
0:00 - How Blame Blocks Breakthrough
3:00 - Why Can't I Receive Love?
5:52 - You Might Be Surprised How God Works
8:38 - Being Identified With Your Issue
10:45 - It Is Complacency That Kills Us
Scripture References:
2 Kings 7, verse 3
Unbelief Will Block Your Breakthrough | Steven Furtick