Destroying Limitations In Your Mind | Steven Furtick
Have you been limiting yourself?
In “Destroying Limitations In Your Mind,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church teaches us that, when we release old ideas, we can fully embrace new possibilities.
This is an excerpt from “Make Room For The New.” To watch the full message, click here:
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Section Titles:
0:00 - I Thought God Showed Me This... (Acts 11, verses 6-7)
1:22 - God Is Trying To Kill Your Categories (Acts 11, verses 8-9)
3:34 - Don't Limit Me With A Label
5:35 - I'm Not Just One Thing
6:45 - Don't Be Loyal To A Lie
8:27 - Stop Holding Onto What's Old (Acts 11, verse 12)
10:46 - Making Room For Miracles (Leviticus 26, verse 10)
12:53 - God, Help Us Make Room
Destroying Limitations In Your Mind | Steven Furtick