Life of Christ Day 3 Teaching | Discipleship: To Hear And To Do
For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel. -Ezra 7:10
Today is our first in depth teaching as we start this Life of Christ series. Each Wednesday, we will start a new theme from Jesus’ life with a 20-25 min in depth teaching that continues through a full week of additional daily 3-5 min devos and the Sunday sermon on the weekends.
In today’s teaching, Marc explains that in order to understand the words of Jesus, we need to enter his world, and we're going to do that through its spatial, historical, culture and spiritual contexts. In this series, Marc lays the foundation for understanding what Jesus’ words meant, so that we can better know how to live them out today.
Quiet yourself before the Lord and ask Him, “Holy Spirit, what are you whispering to me about through today's message? What is my next step because of this?”
Children's Ministry Question:
What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? What does it look for YOU to be a disciple of Christ?
Take Action:
Phone a friend—whether it’s a mentor, a close friend, or an accountability partner, and talk to them about what you sense the Lord is impressing on you from today's message!