The Fruit of Discipleship - Week 3, Day 3 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: Hear the true stories of ordinary people who encountered grace and whose lives were completely transformed in the pursuit of their destinies.
00:13 Welcome to another very special edition of the Gospel Truth broadcast.
00:30 Today, I've got some really good friends here, Joseph and Ewa Sederstrom.
00:40 They went to Poland and pioneered our ministry there and some great things have happened. We're going to be talking about this, but first of all, I want to play you their testimony.
7:38 I really felt in my heart like there were people that their whole life is just good but they know that there's something more.
12:24 I opened the Bible and I started reading Genesis 1, and then there is a place that said, “and God said”, and something like a knife cut through my heart and I said, “Oh, my God, I'm reading God's Word. I know this is God's Word”.
14:22 I think it's harder for people who are doing well to accept the Lord because they are self-reliant more. They think it's all them doing all of that. Sad to say, most people come to the Lord in crisis and if you aren't in crisis most people think they don't need the Lord.
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