Life of Christ Day 17 Teaching | The Gospel According To Jesus
Isaiah 61:1-2, Luke 4:18-21
Today Marc reminds us that the four written Gospels that we know were penned long after Jesus lived and proclaimed it. So here we explore the question, “What was the Gospel, according to Jesus?”
After reading two passages from Isaiah, Jesus declared in the synagogue that day, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing,” punctuating to the listeners that His coming was not to seek vengeance against enemies but to show charity to those who are less fortunate.
Now that we better understand what Jesus meant by the Gospel, what practical habits can we create to alleviate suffering, help the poor, bring life and healing, show mercy, and share resources in all areas of our lives?
Family Chat:
Talk about three practical ways you can share the good news of Jesus in your school, family, or neighborhood.
Take Action:
Set your heart and determine to do this week what you just talked about.