Family Series | Daily Devo - Heather Hoyt
Today, Heather Hoyt compares adult singles today, one of the largest populations in the US today, to the stage of life Moses was in when God called him to live in the desert for 40 years in preparation to lead the nation of Israel out of bondage. She reminds us that God is looking for those whose hearts are fully devoted to Him. Moses wanted to know God's ways, and God responded that Moses would know His name. Moses made a regular practice of pursuing the presence of God. Similarly, God needs you as a willing vessel to deliver this generation, showing them that Truth has a name—Jesus.
2 Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 103:1-7
Will you pursue God above all else? Will you see people the way He sees them?
Receive God's commission today to bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth! Pursue His presence and purpose over your own.