Family Series | Daily Devo - Tim Powell
Today Pastor Tim Powell talks about raising children, explaining how being a parent is a calling and a gift from God, preparing them for God's calling to grow His Kingdom. Remind them to keep Christ in the center of their relationships, making Jesus the priority in every area of their lives! The first phase in parenting is the teaching phase, then the training phase as children reach adolescence. Then as they enter adulthood, you become more of a consultant than a trainer. Remember, it's never too late to put Christ in the center of your family and your parenting.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9; Psalm 127:3
Which role best suits you in this season of parenting or leadership—teaching, training, or consulting?
Be the best teacher, trainer, or consultant you can be, through studying Scripture, strengthening relationships, and praying diligently for people God has trusted you with.