Where Do Hope and Power Come From?
What is the difference between hope and a wish? What does that have to do with Avatar: The Last Airbender? And how does understanding that difference change what it looks like for us to follow Jesus?
We're kicking off the school year by digging into hope and power. Let's discover the truth that our hope and power are from God and for the world.
Join us for a live Switch experience on Thursday nights at 7:00pm: https://www.switchonline.life.church
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Switch TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/pcsPJf
Switch Website: https://www.life.church/switch
Switch Music Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/switchmsc
Switch Music YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SwitchMSC
Switch Music Website: https://www.life.church/switch-music