Upside Down Week 2 | The Studio (Elementary)
BIBLE STORY: Crucified and Risen — John 18:12-20:23
BOTTOM LINE: Jesus put us first.
LIFE APP: Humility—Putting others first by giving up what you think you deserve
MEMORY VERSE: “Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud. Instead, be humble. Value others more than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3, NIrV
WHAT YOU NEED: 5-10 plastic Easter eggs per person. (If you don’t have these already at home, work together as a family to color this Easter egg card template, cutting them into cards and then cutting each card in half. 1 set of cards per person.)
WHAT YOU DO: Give each person 10 eggs and ask them to separate the halves. Everyone should keep the bottom half of each egg while putting the top halves in a big pile together. Have someone call out “GO!” and then everyone races to be the first to find their matching egg halves and get all their eggs put back together. If you have preschoolers, they can play too! Consider pairing them up with an older sibling or a grownup to make the competition fair.
For an added twist, divide your family into two teams. Keep time on your phone as one team works as fast as they can to put all the eggs together. When they finish, it’s the other team’s turn to try to beat their time.
After that, if you haven’t already had an egg hunt today, do one now! Keep the teams the same as before and let one team hide the eggs. The other team tries to find all the eggs—while being timed, of course! Then the teams switch roles.
*What’s your favorite part about celebrating Easter?
*Why do we celebrate Easter? (Jesus put us first by dying on the cross and rising from the dead so we can have a relationship with God)
*Who did Jesus give up His life for? (Everybody!)
Use this prayer as a guide, either after your discussion or right before bed tonight:
“God, we can’t even begin to thank You for Easter and how You put us first. Thank You that You loved us so much that You gave up Your only Son so that we can have a relationship with You. Please guide us as we learn more about You and how Jesus put us first. Be with us as we work on putting others first and become more like Jesus. Thank You for this day we get to spend celebrating that Jesus is alive. In His name we pray, amen.”
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