Reconnect Week 1 | The Studio (Elementary)
MEMORY VERSE: “So let us do all we can to live in peace. And let us work hard to build up one another.” Romans 14:19, NIrV
LIFE APP: Peace: Proving you care more about each other than winning an argument
BIBLE STORY: Easter Colossians 1:20 and John 20:1-18
BOTTOM LINE: God made peace with us.
FAMILY ACTIVITY #1: It’s Heating Up!
WHAT YOU NEED: An egg; a pot; access to a stove; timer; spoon; plate
WHAT YOU DO: Let your child fill the pot halfway with water. Then instruct them to gently drop the egg in the pot. Help them place the pot on the burner (before turning the burner on). Turn the burner on high and set the timer.
Say, “How long do you think it will take the egg to cook until it’s hard-boiled?” (Remember, you also need to take into account the time it takes the water to boil.)
Take a guess yourself. Write down each of your answers.
While you’re waiting, say, “I know that we do a lot of things around Easter with eggs—like Easter egg hunts and opening plastic eggs with toys and candies inside. But those are just fun ways we celebrate how important Easter is. Because Easter is the day that we celebrate how God made peace with us.
God sent His own Son, Jesus, to live on Earth, show us how to live, die on the cross for our sins, and come back to life. Because of Jesus, we can have peace with God and live forever with Him!”
Keep time, and take the egg out of the water at the time of the shortest guess. Using a spoon, remove the egg and place it on a plate.
Let your child use the spoon to break open the egg. If the yolk is cooked, the person with that guess is the winner. If the yolk is still runny, the other person wins.
WHAT YOU NEED: An egg; a sheet or large towel you don’t mind getting dirty
WHAT YOU DO: Tell your child you’re going to play a game. (If possible, go outside for this one!)
Stand an arm’s length apart in the middle of the sheet, facing each other, and toss the egg back and forth. For each turn, whoever has the egg should take one step backward, say one thing that happened in the Bible story, and then toss the egg.
Repeat the process: taking a step back, saying one thing from the story, and then tossing the egg to the other person. Keep going until one of you misses and the egg breaks open.
Talk about the Bible Story
What’s your favorite part about celebrating Easter?
Did you learn anything new about the story of Easter?
How would you have felt if you were Mary Magdalene and you went to Jesus’ tomb and found it empty?
What did Jesus tell Mary Magdalene to do after she saw Him? (She went to tell the other disciples that she had seen Jesus alive.)
How does Jesus rising from the dead show us that God made peace with us? (Because it proves that God sent His Son to die for us.)
Why does Easter matter? Why do we celebrate Easter?
What changed for us when Jesus died?
What do we have to do to be in God’s family forever? (Believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He died to make a way for us to have a relationship with God)
Parent: share about a situation where you found something difficult to believe, only to find out later that it was true.
“God, You are faithful. You sent Jesus to be our Savior, just like You promised! God, we are so grateful for Jesus. We’re thankful for His life, death, and resurrection. He has power over sin and power over death. Because of Him, we can have a relationship with You now and forever! Thank You for making a way for us to be with You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”
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