Unbelief and Modern Man
Why do men and women today reject Jesus? In this message on Luke 4:22 titled “Unbelief and Modern Man,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that modern people reject the gospel for the same reason that the Jewish people of Jesus’s day rejected Him: Jesus is not who they want Him to be. Jesus is not a mere moral teacher dedicated to giving them a better life. He is the Son of God that has come into to the world to take away its sin and destroy evil. In their prejudice, people reject the idea that they could need a Savior because humankind naturally hates the idea that they are vile sinners in need of divine grace. Humanity uses so-called reason as an excuse to reject the gospel. This sermon tells the bad news that humanity is in sin, in denial of their situation, are lost, and on a path to eternal destruction. But more importantly, it tells that Jesus died for sinners. Jesus alone can overcome this hatred and prejudice and make fallen sinners children of God. This sermon contains the only message of true and lasting hope: the message of the gospel.