The Law and Modern Man
Why is the law of God so important? In this sermon on John 1:17 titled “The Law and Modern Man,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the centrality of God’s law for understanding the gospel, humanity, and Christ. The Bible teaches that all are under the condemnation of the law because they have all sinned and broken God’s law. This is why humanity, in its fallen state, is opposed to God’s law – it only condemns them and their sinful lifestyle. But this same law that condemns also shows the need for the gospel and for Jesus Christ. In this way, the law can lead to life. For it shows the Christian how inadequate they are and how much they need salvation in Christ Jesus. This convicting use of the law brings great opposition from many unbelievers who claim that the idea of sin and punishment is backwards and cruel. Yet the Bible tells that God is a holy God who requires righteousness from all. Jesus came to fulfill the law because humanity could not. This is the heart of the gospel: God sending His Son to redeem sinners who are unable to save themselves.