This Modern Condition
Materialism is a trap so subtle that most probably do not even realize they are bound to it. It calls from every crevice of the culture and seeks to measure life by this world, its focus entirely on the here-and-now and what can be gained, from riches, to popularity, to belongings. In this sermon on Isaiah 5:8–10 titled “This Modern Condition,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches a warning against this trap, reminding of the dangers of living in a mindset enraptured by this temporary world. Every second Christians spend longing for the world is a second they are not gazing on the goodness of their God. What are some things he urges the listener to note? First, materialism’s smallness—it takes all of life and measures it by what someone has. Second, it is selfish—the logical outcome of this worldview is for a person to think entirely of themselves and their existence here and how they can progress. What causes materialism? Ultimately, that God is not in a person’s thoughts. Naturally, when people cease thinking eternally, they begin to focus on this world more. Scripture issues several warnings against this, and God has acted on these warnings throughout history. Dr. Lloyd-Jones exhorts the listener to care for their souls and to not put off addressing spiritual things. After all, what advantage is it to someone if they gain all this world has and yet loses their soul in the end?