'The Surge' by Pete Briscoe, Todd Hillard
To purchase The Surge at Christianbook.com, visit: http://www.christianbook.com/surge-churches-catching-christs-love-nations/pete-briscoe/9780310286578/pd/286578?p=1148608&cm_mmc=Social_Media-_-YouTube-_-Product_Trailers-_-thesurge
It's hard to get people involved in global outreach. Briscoe understands---and shows you how to become part of the tsunami of spirit-led service that's rising worldwide! His grace-based philosophy of ministry and mobilization helps local leaders transform stagnant churches into congregations of global influence; and inactive Christian consumers into dynamic senders. Personal, practical, and powerful! 208 pages, softcover & eBook from Zondervan.