The Birth of Jesus - Christmas Day Broadcast - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth
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The faith of Mary to bring forth God's son is a powerful message of Mary's trust and believing in God to fulfill His Word. But on this Christmas Eve Andrew's focus is on Joseph, Mary's betrothed. Joseph was a powerful man of God and there are lessons to be learned by his faith and trust in God as it pertains to the birth of Jesus Christ.
00:10 A beautiful holiday opening with a picture of The Sanctuary.
00:30 Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
00:37 Andrew wishes everyone around the world a Merry Christmas and gives his personal testimony pertaining to celebrating Christmas.
5:00 Mary was found or discovered to be with child after being with her cousin Elizabeth for three months. She never told Joseph, how could one explain a virgin conception. An angel of God had to come and ease Joseph's heart - "fear not Joseph to take unto you Mary your wife".
07:40 Matthew 1:20 "But while he (Joseph) thought on these things." There is a good lesson here. It's good that we take time to think on things and not jump to conclusions. To Joseph's credit, he was thinking about the situation and didn't want to hurt Mary.
10:00 An angel from God told Joseph his son would be named Jesus and save man from his sins. What a confirmation.
11:40 Mary received God's proposal. Mary said, "be it unto me according to thy Word". God will not force Himself upon us. We have to cooperate with His will.
14:50 A great resource "The Word Became Flesh"
17: 11John 1:14 ...the word became flesh. Jesus was literally spoken into existence just as Adam was spoken into existence.
21:35 When you start taking the word of God and meditating on it
that word will germinate on the inside of you and take root and begin to release life on the inside of you. There is a change taking place.
22:00 Soon others will begin to see it and say, I think your miracle is coming when they see the peace and joy that you have begun to operate in. Eventually you will give birth to this miracle.
Andrew Wommack Ministries
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Nonprofits & Activism
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