The Believer's Authority, Week 3, Day 2 -The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth
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Andrew Wommack brings a fresh perspective to the subject of the Believer’s Authority in Christ; that may challenge everything you've been taught including:
If believers have been given authority, then when, how, and toward what should it be exercised?
Most people believe God created our enemy, Satan, but did He?
Is spiritual warfare, as taught in many churches today, valid?
Andrew reveals the spiritual significance of your choices, words, and actions and how they affect your ability to stand against the attacks of Satan and to receive God's best.
Discover the powerful truths behind true spiritual authority and begin seeing real results.
1:41- Everything is not natural and organic and physical, there are spiritual forces but not everything is spiritual. There are some things that are only physical and natural. There is a balance between these two.
4:48- The only power in deception is that you are deceived and don't know it. Once you know the truth, then the power of the enemy is totally broken. Andrew believes in spiritual warfare but does not believe that we are physically or even spiritually battling these demonic power directly. What we are doing is that we are doing war in our mind.
6:12- He believes in spiritual warfare really, you are not dealing directly with the demons, you are dealing with the lies and the deceptions.
8:44- There is a spirit of AntiChrist in our world today. This whole political correct deal to where you can't offend anybody and you always have to do things a certain way; its a spirit of AntiChrist. They are against morality and they are trying to silence anybody who has moral compass and says this is right and this is wrong.
10:10- The devil is not fighting the Muslims, he's not fighting the Hindus and Buddhist because those things work to his advantage. But Christianity is a true worship of God and I guarantee there are spirits of Antichrist that is prevalent in our world today.
12:27- You don't have to climb a mountain or get into a skyscraper or in a plane or a parachute or do something to deal with them. Plus you can't find any instance in the Bible where Paul ever did this.
14:32- As people hear the truth and quit believing a lie, that is how Paul broke Satan's power.
15:43- There is not a single example in scripture where you go and you only bind demonic things. Now, there's still a place to rebuke the demons.
17:30- Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, Faith does not come through prayer and intercession. Faith comes by hearing the word of God, and if you are really going to make an impact, you have to get out of your prayer closet. There is a time to pray and a time to stand and rebuke.
18:08- The Word of God is the seed. 1 Peter:23 " Being born again not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever," The word of God is like a seed, you and I were born of a seed.
20:28- There is a place for intercession, there is a place for just casting out devils and taking your ground and authority, there is a place. But it is not the place that the spiritual warfare movement has given. We have to recognize that Satan is empowered by the individual. If there were not people cooperating with the devil and believing in his lies and speaking forth his lies and deception, Satan would be dead in the water.
Andrew Wommack Ministries