Grace: The Power Of The Gospel - Week 2, Day 3 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: Many Christians believe their salvation depends at least in part on their performance. Even though they believe that Jesus died for their sin, they think that there is still a certain standard to meet. If that is true, then what is the standard, and how do you know when you have met it? When you understand the Apostle Paul's revelation in the book of Romans about what Jesus did, you will never have to wonder if you're meeting that standard again. It's not what you do but what Jesus did!
00:16 Welcome to our Wednesday's broadcast of the Gospel Truth.
1:05 The average person today who is born-again and is headed to Heaven is not having the power of God operate in their life because they haven't heard the true gospel.
3:17 If you are constantly focused on all of the things that you have to do in order to succeed, you're living under the Law. When you are under the gospel, it will focus your attention on what Jesus has done for you, and you will have actions, but they will be the byproduct.
13:45 We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, and likewise, we have all been justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, as long as you put faith in that. You do have to believe in order to receive.
19:07 You can tell if a person is operating in grace or if they're working in Law and works because if they are under a performance-based mentality, then when things go good, they will take credit for it.
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