The Believer's Authority, Week 3, Day 1 -The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth
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Andrew Wommack brings a fresh perspective to the subject of the Believer’s Authority in Christ; that may challenge everything you've been taught including:
If believers have been given authority, then when, how, and toward what should it be exercised?
Most people believe God created our enemy, Satan, but did He?
Is spiritual warfare, as taught in many churches today, valid?
Andrew reveals the spiritual significance of your choices, words, and actions and how they affect your ability to stand against the attacks of Satan and to receive God's best.
Discover the powerful truths behind true spiritual authority and begin seeing real results.
0:36- The Church has given way too much power to the devil. The previous teaching Andrew talked about who made satan. The truth is, man made Satan.
1:30- Only people with a physical body have authority over this earth. This is the reason Jesus had to become a man and dwell amongst us because God is a Spirit.
1:45- Until God became physical and took on himself a physical form, God did not have the authority on this earth. He had the power of course, He is almighty but He has deligated authority over this earth to human beings.
7:08- Drug abuse and a lot of different things are demonic. There are demonic addictions. They started dealing with the spirits behind it, casting demons out of people and miracles were seen.
7:48- People started coming to them by the droves and they had so many people coming. Appointments had to be made to schedule people.
8:15- Because of this, He became soo demon conscious that demonic things started happening to him.
9:22- Andrew explains an incident when he woke up at 2a.m. in the morning and I mean I had some demonic stuff happen to me. I know some of you won't understand this, somebody's going to disagree with, others will understand.
12:05- He never saw anything but he felt it, there was a physical attack coming against him. By the time the sun came up, you know what, that thing was clean because he spoke the word over them.
15:15- For you to get your information from a demon, is not a trust worthy source and so anyways, you need to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
18:58- He realized his authority over the devil and stood up and said, in the name of Jesus I command all of this to stop and I command all of these demons out right now.
19:58- His whole focus changed and he stared casting out demons by the Spirit of the Lord instead of using these carnal, physical, natural type of things and it made a total difference in the way that he used his authority.
Andrew Wommack Ministries