Take Your Pick...Holidays Teen Group Bible Study by Jim Hancock
The DVD is available online here:
ChristianBook.com: http://zndr.vn/KrQYQX
Amazon.com: http://zndr.vn/KrQWsg
YouthSpecialties.com: http://zndr.vn/KrQTMQ
Take Your Pick...Holidays Teen Group Bible Study by Jim Hancock.
Take Your Pick...Holidays Teen Group Bible Study by Jim Hancock gives you six relevant, ready-to-use lessons for your busiest times of the year!
When the holidays roll around, youth workers are often left with stereotypical lessons that don't really help teens connect to the deeper meaning of the celebrations. This DVD offers unique videos to be used as lessons for Black History Month, Valentine's Day, Lent, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Christmas.
Veteran youth minister and video producer Jim Hancock offers fresh ways for youth workers to teach their youth groups about the significance of these holidays. Each video, which runs between five and ten minutes, tells a compelling story that ties into the holiday, making it easy for youth workers to guide students in meaningful conversation. Without being cheesy or mindless, Take Your Pick: Holidays will be a treasured resource for youth workers around some of the busiest times of the year.
Lesson titles include:
1. Man Up
2. St. Valentine's Day Massacre
3. Dust + Ashes
4. Lessons from My Mother
5. Lessons from My Father
6. All I Want for Christmas
Jim Hancock invested two decades as a church-based youth worker. Now he spends his days writing and creating digital movies and learning designs for youth workers, parents, and adolescents. He's the author of many youth ministry resources including How to Volunteer Like a Pro and The Justice Mission, and co-author of Good Sex 2.0 and The Youth Worker's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis.