The Real Winning Edge Teen Bible Study
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The Real Winning Edge Teen Bible Study.
How can teens overcome substance abuse, parental abandonment, or a friend's suicide?
The Real Winning Edge is a ten session, video-based study that encourages young people to see beyond their own circumstances and realize they are not alone in their struggles.
Featuring top sports and music celebrities like Greg Jennings, MercyMe, Misty May-Treanor, and Stephanie Cox, it instills confidence in teenagers who are reaching for their dreams, delivering a strong message of hope and optimism for the future of America's young people.
This unique study features real-life high school and college students who have overcome challenges such as substance abuse, parental abandonment, the suicide of someone they loved, and a myriad of other problems youth face. Documenting not only how these young people conquered the odds to achieve victory in their fields of talent, Real Winning Edge also chronicles how they battled difficult circumstances to achieve victory in their personal lives through their faith and wise choices.
Sessions include:
1. Taylor Brown: Tackling Life's Challenges
2. Sarah Brannock: A Burning Hate within Me
3. Kai Lenny: Refusing to Drown in a Sea of Peer Pressure
4. Natnisha Bowens: Though Once Abandoned, She Now Marches toward Success
5. Mo Isom: Not Letting the Soccer Ball or Life Get Away from Her
6. Brantley Gunn: Putting the "Cross" in Motocross
7. Andrea Stroud: Guided Steps on Life's Dance Floor
8. Juan Chavarria: Never Giving Up ... It's Sink or Swim for Juan
9. Luke Putney: Blind but Seeing the World through His Eyes
10. Michael Detmering: Getting Kicked and Punched but Still Standing
Diane Preston-Reilly -- As a former teacher in the public school system for ten years, Diane Preston- Reilly was able to personally witness how young people idolized television characters. In the late 70's while Diane was working on her doctorate in education the volume of research data she unmasked concerning television's impact on youth and society, was very indicting. The sobering results of her research, coupled with a deep burden and dedication to challenge young people, motivated Diane in the fall of 1980 to found Challenger Films, an Atlanta-based independent film production company. The mission of Challenger Films was (and still is) to produce wholesome programming for our nation's youth by profiling positive, real-life role models.