T.D. Jakes Sermons: Your Opposition is Your Opportunity Part 2
T.D. Jakes promises a “message you’ll love” in “Your Opposition is Your Opportunity.”
As T.D. Jakes continues this sermon, he focuses on the life of Moses. Moses faced massive opposition in his life, all the way from birth, yet he also experienced great opportunities. Many of these opportunities came in the midst of opposition.
As a baby, Moses’ life was threatened by Pharaoh, but God not only protected Moses, he placed him in Pharaoh’s own house where he grew up as a prince of Egypt. This pattern repeated itself throughout his life. From great opposition, came great opportunity.
It’s a pattern God uses in our lives as well. Our perspective needs only align with His in order to see it. God is always in control. As T.D. Jakes says, God is a master hider. He hides his treasures within us: wisdom, wealth, inheritance – opportunity! There is so much inside us that God has placed, but we often don’t see it. Instead, we focus on the opposition, and in doing so, become an opposition to ourselves.
We must adjust our vision, renew our minds, and realize that we “can do all things through Christ.” We must progress from viewing our circumstances in the flesh (negatively) to viewing them in the Spirit (positively).
T.D. Jakes urges us to open our eyes and see how much God has given us and how much we have to offer. Do you see it?
Don’t back away from opposition. Face it head-on. For just like Moses and David and so many others, you may find that your opposition is actually your opportunity.
Miss the first part of this message? Watch “Your Opposition is Your Opportunity [Part 1]” here: https://youtu.be/6bfelrUdl8w, and subscribe to The Potter’s House YouTube channel for more enlightening and life-changing T.D. Jakes sermons.
#HiddenValuesInUs #CanDoAllThingsThroughChrist