T.D. Jakes Sermons: Exceptionalism Part 1
What does it mean to be a child of God? Dig a little deeper with this T.D. Jakes sermon, “Exceptionalism.”
Speaking from Luke 4:20, Bishop Jakes focuses on Jesus teaching in the temple of his hometown. The people listening knew him, knew his family, and his background. They were amazed that a carpenter’s son spoke with such authority: “Is this not Joseph’s son?”
Have you ever felt called out as a child of God? Have you ever felt confused or conflicted about your calling and what people think of you or expect from you? Do you feel as if those around you are looking at you and wondering, “Who do you think you are?”
T.D. Jakes reminds believers that, as children of God, we are called and chosen. We are not called to an ordinary, mediocre existence. We are called to live an exceptional life.
Do not allow yourself to be defined or limited by other people’s ideas or expectations. You are part of God’s family. Discover how to rise above your past, soar above the chatter, and live the victorious, extraordinary life God wants for you!
Don’t miss the second part of “Exceptionalism” from The Potter’s House: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x86OhUHh_UI
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#AmIAChildOfGod #LivingTheLifeYouIntend