Sunday 10/6/13, Life is Messy, "Jesus, Lord of the Mess" (Ephesians 2:11-22) Pastor Daniel Fusco
Our Life is Messy series in the book of Ephesians has exposed many different types of "messes" we face in our lives. Our understanding of God is messy. We, as individuals, are as messy as our circumstances. We also saw how we can pray in the midst of the mess, and move forward with joy in our daily life.
This week, we look at another difficult fact of life: messy divisions between people. Just as the two sides of congress have walls between them, in the Apostle Paul's culture, there was a great divide between Jews and Gentiles. And the reality is, Jesus, the Lord of the mess, wants to tear down walls and bring people together as one. How does that work? Learn more about it this Sunday, and bring a friend with you to experience what God is up to at Crossroads!