Sunday 10/27/13, Life is Messy, "Style in the Mess" (Ephesians 4:17-32) Pastor Daniel Fusco
Everyone has a style. A style is a way of doing things that is uniquely your own. Whether we are cognizant or not, we present ourselves in certain ways. As people who are simply responding to Jesus, there is a certain style that God wants us to have. You can call that the Jesus style. Even though life is messy, we are to have style in the mess.
As we continue our series through the book of Ephesians, Pastor Daniel is continuing to show us that although life is messy, Jesus is real. When the Spirit is alive and at work in the lives of God's children, we put off the old life and put on the new life in Jesus. This message will be an amazing message for you to bring your seeking friends, coworkers and neighbors.