Spirit Soul And Body - Week 3, Day 3 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth
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This teaching identifies the three major parts of our being: spirit, soul, and body, and gives the relationship between each. At salvation, our bodies and souls are not saved. Their salvation has been purchased but they aren't redeemed yet. Our spirits are the only parts of us that was completely changed at salvation. The rest of the Christian life is a process of renewing our minds and then manifesting in our bodies the change that is already complete in our spirits.
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00:31 Welcome to our Wednesday's broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
03:14 The Word of God literally released this supernatural faith into you and it caused you to be born again. And once you received salvation it doesn't leave.
09:59 By the Faith of Christ and we are justified by Faith of Christ, and then Paul says in verse 20, that the life that I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God...
13:05 I didn't know how it worked. I didn't at that time understand the importance of my words and so I would say things that would be contrary to what I really wanted.
17:00 It's about God opening up their eyes to what they already have. And here we are 2,000 years later reading this prayer.
21:10 You know I'm going to talk about this next week, but know that which is born of the spirit is spirit. That which is born of the flesh is the flesh.