So Great Salvation
Hebrews 2:1-4 — Why is it such a terrible thing to reject the gospel? In this sermon, “So Great Salvation,” from Hebrews 2:1–4 titled Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on humanity’s need of salvation and what happens if one rejects it. Salvation is such a weighty matter because of its source: God. If anyone says no to salvation, then they say no to the God who has offered salvation to all who believe. This is why it is such a dangerous thing to spurn God’s gracious gift that He has put forward in Jesus Christ. But those who do accept salvation are given the greatest possible blessing: eternal life and peace with God. The gospel is God’s ultimate gift of grace that alone can free people from sin and judgement. This sermon calls each and every one to examine themselves and ask the question: “have I accepted God’s gift of salvation? Am I trusting in Jesus as my only hope?” This is not an inconsequential question, but it is the most important question anyone can ask, for with the great gift of salvation comes the great penalty for rejecting it.